Addition mixed fractions zombie shooter

Learning fractions and its basics can be difficult, especially for kids who has never encountered this. In this case, familiarity is the key. Once the kids are familiar with what fractions are then next is the basic addition, and then addition of mixed fractions.

Because this lesson can be quite confusing to kids, it is important that the concept is explained well and the teacher then adds that "oomph!" to the learning by having the kids try out what they learn through the addition mixed fractions zombie shooter game.

�The game can help the students calculate how to add the mixed fractions. What is great about the game is that it is easy to navigate and the instructions provided at the opening portion of the game is clear. The students will be able to understand immediately.

The game is mostly played solo but it can also be adapted as a partner game. Doing it like this not only cuts the game time for each student short, but also helps the students socialize and build camarederie. The teacher just has to make sure that each partner gets to play to avoid conflict.